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Illusion歌词带中文翻译 - Dua Lipa

发布时间:2024-04-12 11:12:13



Illusion - Dua Lipa

作曲 : Caroline Ailin/Danny L Harle/Dua Lipa/Kevin Parker/Tobias Jesso Jr.


I been known to miss a red flag
I been known to put my lover on a pedestal
In the end, those things just don't last
And it's time I take my rose-coloured glasses off
是时候摘下那副玫瑰色的眼镜 看清现实了

I already know your type, tellin' me the things I like
我一眼就看穿你的套路 甜言蜜语 不过是投其所好
Tryin' make me yours for life, takin' me for a ride
企图将我终生圈禁 带我去兜风 驱车风驰电掣
I already know your type, think you can play your cards right
我早已洞悉你那些伎俩 以为耍点小聪明就能俘获我的芳心
Don't you know I could do this dance all night?
难道你不明白 只是你自导自演的闹剧罢了 且看我彻夜纵情舞动

Ooh, what you doin’?
噢 你想干什么
Don't know who you think that you're confusing
I be like, "Ooh, it's amusing"
你那幼稚的把戏 只会引来我的轻笑
You think I'm gonna fall for an illusion
你竟然天真以为 我就要坠入你编织的幻境

Dance all night, dance all night
纵情舞动 彻夜不休
Dance all night, dance all night
纵情舞动 彻夜不休
I be like, "Ooh"
我不禁惊叹 噢
Dance all night, dance all night
纵情舞动 彻夜不休
Dance all night, dance, dance
纵情舞动 彻夜不休

Was a time when that shit might have worked
曾经 你的花言巧语或许能够奏效
Was a time when I just threw a match and let it burn
曾经 我任由爱火熊熊燃烧 不计后果
Now I'm grown, I know what I deserve
如今我成熟又稳重 懂得自己值得拥有怎样的爱
I still like dancing with thе lessons I already learnеd
我依旧享受与过往的教训共舞 这让我受益良多

I already know your type, tellin' me the things I like
我一眼就看穿你的套路 甜言蜜语 不过是投其所好
Tryin' make me yours for life, takin' me for a ride
企图将我终生圈禁 带我去兜风 驱车风驰电掣
I already know your type, think you can play your cards right
我早已洞悉你那些伎俩 以为耍点小聪明就能俘获我的芳心
Don't you know I could do this dance all night?
难道你不明白 只是你自导自演的闹剧罢了 且看我彻夜纵情舞动

Ooh, what you doin’?
噢 你想干什么
Don't know who you think that you're confusing
I be like, "Ooh, it's amusing"
你那幼稚的把戏 只会引来我的轻笑
You think I'm gonna fall for an illusion
你竟然天真以为 我就要坠入你编织的幻境

Dance all night, dance all night
纵情舞动 彻夜不休
Dance all night, dance all night
纵情舞动 彻夜不休
I be like, "Ooh"
我不禁惊叹 噢
Dance all night, dance all night
纵情舞动 彻夜不休
Dance all night, dance, dance
纵情舞动 彻夜不休

Illusion, I really like the way you're moving
错觉幻想 我喜欢你翩迁的舞步
Yeah, I just wanna dance with the illusion
Yeah 我只想与幻想共舞
Yeah, I just wanna dance with
Yeah 与那虚幻的美好共舞
Yeah, I just wanna dance with
Yeah 与那虚幻的美好共舞
I could dance all night
纵情舞动 彻夜不休

Ooh, what you doin’?
噢 你想干什么
Don't know who you think that you're confusing
I be like, "Ooh, it's amusing"
你那幼稚的把戏 只会引来我的轻笑
You think I'm gonna fall for an illu—
你竟然天真以为 我就要坠入你编织的幻境
Ooh, what you doin’?
噢 你想干什么
Don't know who you think that you're confusing
I be like, "Ooh, it's amusing"
你那幼稚的把戏 只会引来我的轻笑
You think I'm gonna fall for an illusion
你竟然天真以为 我就要坠入你编织的幻境

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《Illusion歌词带中文翻译 - Dua Lipa》更新日期为:2024-08-27 12:58:47;目前浏览的小伙伴达到资源猫所有作品(图文、音视频以及网站收录)均由用户自行上传分享,仅供网友学习交流,想了解查找更多资源网站可以直接搜索查询。若您的权利被侵害,请联系 1989984319@qq.com